2-Paid Internships for H.S Students Woodland Ecology Research Deadline: March 31. 2019 / FOREST PROJECT: Deadline March 17th, 2019
Woodland Ecology Research Deadline is open to current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. This 14-month program provides a unique opportunity to work with local ecologists and participate in ecological research projects.
WERM students learn content and develop basic research skills during their first summer through hands-on projects and coursework. After building on their skills at weekend workshops during the academic year, students embark on a final research project under the guidance of a science mentor for their second summer.
The application deadline for this program is March 31st, 2019. For more information and the online application please go to http://www.wavehill.org/education/woodland-ecology-research-mentorship
The Forest Project is open to current sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The seven-week program meets Mondays through Fridays from June 27th- August 20th, 2019. Interns work in small, supervised crews to help restore woodland areas at Wave Hill.
The application deadline for this program is March 17th, 2019. For more information and the online application please go to http://www.wavehill.org/education/forest-project
Through our partnership with the College of Mount Saint Vincent, we offer two credit-bearing college courses: Restoration of NYC's Natural Areas and Mapping NYC’s Urban Environment: An Intro to GIS. WERM students take both courses their first summer, while Forest Project interns take one. Students do not pay tuition!