Future and Options Internship Program 2023-2024
During the academic year, students in The Internship Program participate in paid mentored internships. Futures and Options staff will review applications and interview students. If they are eligible for The Internship Program, students will be moved to our Accepted Pool. As internship opportunities arise throughout the school year, students in the Accepted Pool will be offered positions based on experience, interests, and proximity to the work site. Selected students will be interviewed at prospective work sites in order to secure internship placements in New York City’s businesses, non-profit organizations, or government agencies.
Interns work 75 to 100 hours over the course of the program and receive ongoing support from the Futures and Options staff. Work-readiness workshops and career exploration field trips are included in the program to start gaining career readiness skills and building professional networks. Internships this school year will be a mix of in-person, hybrid, and remote opportunities. The application deadline is September 22nd, 2023.Application link is below: https://futuresandoptions.org/internship-program-application/