At this time, we have officially opened the Computer Science Pathfinders Internship Spring 2024 application.
Pathfinders is CS4All’s internship offering that provides New York City high school students interested in pursuing computer science careers with their first workplace experience.
Please note that the program is only for students who are currently enrolled in a NYC Public High School and HAVE NOT participated in the program previously.
The application will be open from now until December 29th. We urge that all students who are applying are aware that if they are under the age of 18, they will need working papers by January 2nd if chosen to participate.
The Pathfinders Internship program takes on a two-pronged approach: education and application, offering high school students 10 hours of career-readiness trainings, and 60 hours of CS on-the-job experience. Students who participate in the Pathfinders program, are compensated with a generous stipend through the New York City Department of Education.
If interested please apply here: