We have very exciting news to share. The time has come to apply for the SITHS Summer PAID internship opportunities through the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) and United Activities Unlimited (UAU)! This is a paid lottery based 6 week summer internship opportunity that runs between July - August 2025.
Please read the attachment to understand about the program and application process. If you are in the JEDI program (not waitlisted), and you have already completed an application survey through JEDI, you may ignore this.
Below you will find the application link and some tips before applying:
- Link to application: https://application.nycsyep.com/
- The application will bring you to the NYCID homepage where you will need to log in (or create an account if you do not have one) to proceed.
- Our school is part of the DOE (Dept. of Education). Choose DOE school, then you will find Staten Island Technical High School.
The document below is a breakdown of every step of the SYEP enrollment process as well as the required documents that will be needed if selected in the lottery.
When choosing a provider (at the end of the application) - click on Staten Island as the borough even if you live in Brooklyn and then select United Activities Unlimited as your #1 provider!!!! You must also chose a second provider or it will not let you submit the application. For this you can chose one close to your home.
Any student who is interested in a paid summer internship through SITHS & SYEP must comply COMPLETELY with ALL of the steps listed! The SITHS CDC will work with you and UAU to place you in the most appropriate internship experience, ONLY if you follow our specific instructions. We, working in collaboration with our partners at UAU have created an efficient and clear process for you to help you on your way to a fulfilling summer internship.
If you have any remaining questions, please stop by the Career Development Center room 229.