Backpacks to Briefcases
Students at Staten Island Tech often graduate with more than 30 college credits earned via advanced placement courses. They are often forced to declare a major sooner than other students when they arrive at their college campus. In order to lead our students into a field of their interest, we invite guest speakers to discuss their career through our Backpacks to Briefcases (B2B) series. We welcome professionals from all walks of life (doctors, lawyers, educators, computer experts, etc.) to come and meet with our students. Students walk away with valuable lessons about the career paths of our B2B guests. Our students are then informed when selecting that all-important college major that can lead to their future career. Students are informed who will be visiting through email. Here are just a few of our guest visitors from the 2019-2020 school year:
Diane Savino, State Senator
Ted Blazer – Alternate Means Of Transportation
Kristian Marino (Alum) and Professor Cathy Sabella – Risk Management and Actuarial Science